To all the individuals that are reading my blog I want to thank you and say you made me proud of my writing even with NO comments I see you there checking it out. 😛

I like to post about things that interest my reader I like writing so if you have any ideas or you would like to write a post or anything feel free to email me or even suggestions or feedback of any sort positive or negative I don’t mind whatever it maybe it will change me and my writing to please the reader.

Thank you all so much.


Use a Gafsha not your hand



2010 was a fast but memorable year for me a lot had happened that changed me from the inside out I’m glad what ever happened happened otherwise I would of still been that little kid every one thought I was even though I’m 24 😛

Last year New Years I was in Kuwait with my sister now I’m in Dubai all alone, people come to Dubai for New Years for parties but being here for more than let’s say 5  New Years I think we have done it all from concerts to safaris to just sitting at home. I would give up the rest of my life to go back for just one day in 2005 or 2006.

Anyhoo, this year my New Year’s resolution would be to laugh more, to eat more, to be with my sister more, I wanna travel to places outside of the GCC even though I hate traveling and GCC is all the time that I can handle on a plane but I will try, I want to be more out the pushing my limits. This year inshalla no broken bones I will do my stupid stunts and try not to break anything as my wise sister once said after breaking my foot the first time out of many “if you break a bone you die” so no death 😛

I’m writing this post to have as a reminder of what it is I should do and change a written agreement with myself.

What will your 2011 resolution will be???

Use a Gafsha not your hand

Funny Moments

So yesterday we were talking about New Years Eve not knowing what to do.

I asked A “any plans”

A “no not yet”

Blond “I’m going to this new club in Emirates Towers”

A and I “ok” ignoring as we usually do

Blond “I don’t know what to wear, I want a small jacket you know the HAIRY one”

Me “you mean fur?” and we burst out laughing couldn’t hold it in it was just too much.

*Btw readers’ Blond is a Russian chick so when you read use a Russian accent.

We just couldn’t stop laughing and she insisted it’s hairy.

Second funny thing that happened to me yesterday, I really want a Boyfriend Blazers so I walked in Forever 21 and looked for it myself no luck there than I found a Vietnamese employee and asked her not to my surprise she didn’t know what it was here is how the scenario went:

Me “do you have a Boyfriend Blazer?”

Employee “what’s that?”

Me “the over sized blazer it’s called Boyfriend Blazers”

Employee “you mean a blazer with a boyfriend?”

I honestly had no reply I didn’t know what to say or do other then laugh and walk way called my sister of course and laughed, I walked out the mall didn’t buy anything other than coffee and candy no shopping plus I was sleepy.


Use a gafsha not your hand

MaKe Me LaUgH


Because of the funniest bedliyat I heard yesterday and a while ago I thought why not share as I always say to my nephew “sharing is caring”

So here are some and feel free to add on your favorite ones too.

Ka7li +  jeep  = ja7li

Bus + 6yara = ba9er

7mara + 7aywana = 7mrana


Shfch tshanajtay = shfech tsanazti

 Tel7gy = tla7fy

P.S keep checking this post if you like it because I will just keep adding to it.


 Use a Gafsha not your hand



2 YEARS AGO I WAS WORKING AT Dubai properties and because of the market drop there wasn’t anything I can do so I left and decided to not work anymore and stick to one thing which was relaxing and I did that for 2 years till I got a call for an interview I got the job offer less than 2 hours after I left the interview. I assumed working for Foreign Exchange Market Brokers Company I would be busy 90% of my 8 hour job but I was wrong, as of last week Facebook was blocked and Youtube seriously BOSS what am I going to do? I read blogs all day long and most of the don’t update on a daily bases so I would go to the first post and read, done that for a week and great job bloggers (that I like :P) anyways this morning before leaving the house after convincing myself to get up and go to work I decided to get a book and start reading as my boss once told me “the most powerful thing somebody can have in the world is not money, not houses, not respect, not material goods – just knowledge”. To his advice this morning and grabbed the only book I didn’t read from my book shelve Paulo Coelho The Zahiri like most of his books I want the hole set. 😀

According to a friend of mine it’s a good book so let’s see how this book will change my thoughts plus I will post parts that I like and think you’ll enjoy too this is it for now goo read the book so we can have a “Gafsha book club” 😛 that would be cool like Oprah 😀


Use a Gafsha not your hand

Office Blond #2



This just happened like 20 minutes ago and I thought I should share it 😛


Me to A: ” I made new glasses for 250″
A: ” I want Prada”
Me: ” yeah I saw nice ones for 800 really nice big black frame  “
Blond: “bags are not cheap where did u find Prada bag for 800”
Me” glasses not bags”
Blond “oooh glasses!! you said big so I thought big bag and the frame is black”
Me: “whaaaaaat???!?!?”


Blond to bank lady “Excuse me can I have a question”

A and I ????? laughing loudly saying “yes you may have as many as you like”.

She seriously makes my day she’s the only thing that makes at work


Use a Gafsha not your hand



Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer 
had a very shiny nose. (Like a light bulb)
And if you ever saw him, 
you would even say it glows. 

All of the other reindeer 
used to laugh and call him names. (Like stupid)
They never let poor Rudolph 
join in any reindeer games. 

Then one foggy Christmas Eve 
Santa came to say: 
“Rudolph with your nose so bright, 
won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?” 

Then all the reindeer loved him 
as they shouted out with glee, 
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, 
you’ll go down in history! (Like Elvis)

This is my favorite Christmas carol, in school when we sing we add on our own little touch and every year before we sign it the teacher would tell us “please do not change the lyrics” but we were kids we liked doing it, it was fun.

I wish I was a kid again 🙂

We sang Christmas carols the week before our Christmas holidays the last day of school we would sit in the auditorium sign at the top of our lungs the last song we would sign would be:

 You better watch out you better not cry I’m telling you why cause Santa Clause is coming coming to town

then suddenly we hear bells and a loud knocks at the door we start looking around to see which teacher is missing than they open the door and Santa walks in of course all the little kids are scared and start screaming but we older kids try to figure out which teacher is dressed as Santa we never figured it out thou.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Happy New Year


Use a Gafsha not your hand

Office Blond #1


We have this blond in the office before I met her I thought that blond jokes were not for real no one is that stupid until I started working at this company. Below are the top 7 things she ever said that make me laugh so loud my boss had to come and tell us to shut up  know that she’s the reason why we all laughed at the same time.


Z “pond is LBs right?”

A “yes”

Blond “no its GPB” (Great Britten Pond)


Z “RTA stands for Roads and Transport Authority”

Blond “Did you know E is for Emirates and I is for India”


Me “What day did you open the account”

Blond “the 4th of yesterday”


Me “you owe me 40 dirham’s”

Blond “I have 500 do you have EXCHANGE


Talking about blackberry service being cut off at the office for 20 minutes or so we finish this subject about to talk about something different blond says “so what’s wrong with blackberry they discount or what”  20 minutes explaining and she still didn’t get it


Blond “what’s for lunch?’

Me “anything I’m hungry but no meat’

Blond “you want steak?”

Me “noooo I don’t eat meat”


Me “you want to order with me?”

Blond “yeah”

Me “what do you want?”

Blond “I don’t eat white meat so just order for me chicken breast”

Me “that’s white meat”

Blond argues with me that chicken breast isn’t white meat I ignore her and order it for her.


Use a Gafsha not your hand

Quick post

I try to blog about different things that meets the male and female readers which is harder when I try to do that in one blog post so it takes me awhile, I’m not able to write every day I have to think carefully so I ask my readers whomever you are I know your reading so reply to this for me, email me a paragraph about anything even if you want to vent out about something or someone.

Be a blogger on my blog if you wish all I want is that my readers actually get what they want.

I have been looking at blogs by Kuwaitis all week long and only found a few that are active with all the hard work they put in the few posts that they have they just STOP. I don’t want that to happen to my blog L

Hope to hear from you J

With great love

Use a Gafsha not your hand