Long Gone Why So Sad?

Everyone has a way of deal with death for my family its laughter seriously we make jokes about the person that just 2 minutes ago died; I don’t know why we do that. People get upset when their uncle’s wives sisters husband mother dies I don’t get it is it death that upsets them or just for the hell of being sad over something?

I don’t know how to react, a few days ago I thought of if my grandma dies what will I do and I started laughing called my sister and we began making jokes and the women isn’t even died yet. I don’t know what to say when someone from my friends “family” dies I just say “elbaga ebrak/ch” or “allah yr7ama/ha”.

When my Aunt (mom’s sister) died we were in the kitchen with my dad laughing this is not normal, I don’t get why I should be sad if it’s not my intimate family. Know you think either that I’m heartless or that I’m right either way I’m like that and that’s not going to change.

The only person I have ever cried over his death was Shaikh Jaber (allah yr7ma) he was our father, it was like losing something great, well it is losing something great and dear to all of us. Till this day I cannot look at a picture of Baba Jaber it makes me cry and extremely sad.

Anyways answer this for me:

Would you cry over or even be very sad over the death of uncle’s wives sister’s husband mother dies? Or will you just look sad for the sake of the family?

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Miami Band – El7mdallah w Shafnakom

I remember this song on repeat all the way from Scarborough to Niagara Falls which was about 2-3 hours. Not know what they were saying we would sing the sound not the words clapping and dancing in the blue van our summer car. Sometimes at the park we turn it on and start dancing in the parking lot like maniacs. After we watched the video clip on Minera Ashor’s show we would copy the dance.

To be a child again  


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Puppy Love

My 1 year old rabbit Jack had passed away a couple of days back. Here is the story; it was mating season for rabbits and they would die, so I got up and went to Birds market (souq el7mam) and got my Poland breed rabbit and Arabic breed rabbit they mated and Sabacha got pregnant, keep in mind Jack is extremely fat loves food. Anyways 2 months later she gave birth to 5 baby rabbits being winter and all Jack wanted to be the good father he sat on them to keep them warm but since he is very FAT he killed them. Sabacha became depressed and wouldn’t eat as my mother said “galb elum ytga6a3 3la 3yalha” she dead 5 days after her kids dead. Jack dead out of love, he dead a week after Sabacha.

These animals die after their loved ones die but look at us we move on and never look back even if the love we had hurts us we pretend we forget, we pretend it never happened deep down its killing us but we don’t show at all. Why? We don’t want anyone to see us weak especially the person we once loved more than the world its self.

We have our pride then our feelings, I’m not saying don’t take pride but maybe at a point in life we must put or pride aside the person we love. Some of us say why should I if he/she doesn’t do that for me? My answer would be do what pleases you not the other person if they don’t appreciate what we are doing one day when they will figure it out and they will regret every second they have wasted.

As I always say to myself “set it free if it comes back to you, than it’s yours” I heard that somewhere and since then I have been saying it. Also “good things come to those who wait”

My friend is been in love this his girlfriend for more than 2 years but I know for a fact he lies to other girls that he loves them, why would you do that? And if for one second she speaks to another guy all hell breaks loose. “7lal 3layk o 7ram 3layha” I tell him that his reply is “I know I’m lying to these girls, but you girls don’t have self control”

Guess what your wrong, you guys think we girls are dumb in one way or the other but we are smarter then we look, act and even pretend. When these things happen we shut up for our sake not yours, we get heartbroken very fast.

Tip: next time you think of doing something like that think this “how would I feel if this happened to me”


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Serial Killers

First of I apologize for not posting anything in the past week or so but I have been extremely busy.

Secondly in recent posts I have talked about crimes and how I like reading them but I get really scared walking to my car. Shalla 7adni 9a7 😛

Well I googled today serial killers I read these stories at the same time I think how am I going to sleep tonight and continue on reading. It amazes me how a human can take another human life how are they capable of doing that? How bad is their life for them to be pushed into such an extreme crime? Whether its rape, child molesters or even kidnapping. Some therapists say its from a dramatic incident that happened to them as children, again what could push a child into that?

Therapists say serial killers start by killing animals like Ted Bundy (http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/serial_killers/notorious/bundy/index_1.html) , his story till this day scare the living lights out of me.

A couple of years back a kidnap child was found after 20 years she had children with her kidnaper and he kept her in the back yard. Again I ask how someone could do that.

As a kid I watched Americas most wanted because I was afraid one of the people on there is around me some where yes I was sort of paranoid about these things.


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Could it be?

Could it be??

Has our world come to an end?

Have we lost our minds?

What has come of us?

How can we live now?

From Yemen to Libya, from each part of the Arab world, is the Middle East coming to an end or have we stopped being one hand.

5alijona wa7ed and that is what all the gulf countries are doing. But what did you do? We donate to Japan, Thailand, Palestine, etc; why not Bahrain? They need blood, food, anything we can offer they need it. This is our home as much as Kuwait or whatever part of the gulf your from, because 5alijona wa7ed.

Go to the nearest Red Cross and they will help you donate or help in any way you can.

2011 we’re in the 3rd month and this all happened in a span of 1 month we should have stopped it reaching us the other Arab countries people come to us for protection. I hope this wouldn’t last for a long time gulf troops have entered Bahrain to stop it so inshalla within a week or so they stop this situation.

You fight for your country not with your country.

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You’re beautiful the way you are. Perfect.



Bulimia is an eating disorder. Someone with bulimia might binge on food and then vomit (also called purge) in a cycle of binging and purging. Binge eating refers to quickly eating large amounts of food over short periods of time. Purging involves forced vomiting, laxative use, excessive exercise, or fasting in an attempt to lose weight that might be gained from eating food or binging.

The strict medical definition used by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) requires 2 binge-eating episodes a week for at least 3 months to make the diagnosis, but it’s likely that some people with symptoms of bulimia may not fit these exact criteria.

A person with bulimia often feels a loss of control over their eating as well as guilt over their behavior. They are usually aware that their behavior is abnormal. Bulimia is most common in adolescent and young adult women. People with bulimia are often of normal or near-normal weight, which makes them different from people with anorexia (another eating disorder in which the person does not eat).


Anorexia is an eating disorder where people starve themselves. Anorexia usually begins in young people around the onset of puberty. Individuals suffering from anorexia have extreme weight loss. Weight loss is usually 15% below the person’s normal body weight. People suffering from anorexia are very skinny but are convinced that they are overweight. Weight loss is obtained by many ways. Some of the common techniques used are excessive exercise, intake of laxatives and not eating.

Anorexics have an intense fear of becoming fat. Their dieting habits develop from this fear. Anorexia mainly affects adolescent girls.

People with anorexia continue to think they are overweight even after they become extremely thin, are very ill or near death. Often they will develop strange eating habits such as refusing to eat in front of other people. Sometimes the individuals will prepare big meals for others while refusing to eat any of it.

The disorder is thought to be most common among people of higher socioeconomic classes and people involved in activities where thinness is especially looked upon, such as dancing, theater, and distance running


Why did I choose this as a topic well because at some point it became a trend and as soon as there was awareness it was out of the public eye but till today girls and women of all ages suffer from it. This is due to magazine covers and calling some 50kg women fat.

You’re beautiful the way you are. Perfect.

Be comfortable in your own skin that what makes you beautiful.

My weight is 40kg I think I’m too thin and I need to gain weight even though nothing works this is how god created me (el7mdalla) eat and eat and nothing o hate it but this is what I am.  My dream as a the tinniest kid in school was to be the fattiest person alive because I was always made fun of for being so small. Even with all the sports and training we did in school it didn’t help me. I eat more then you can imagine but no weight gain.

I’m writing this because I’m seeing it in front of me every day and it bothers me why are you hurting yourself for something so stupid try a healthy diet not starvation diet or whatever it is your doing. Boss lady eats one meal a day which is salad or soup, co-worker chick eats half a salad everyday if she feels hungry, her diet is pretending making her brain thinks she full, she sits there pretending she eating and she actually gets full. Models dip cotton in juice and eat it to fill their stomachs all day, not including coffee and smoking.

You’re beautiful the way you are. Perfect.

Be comfortable in your own skin that what makes you beautiful.

The best diet tip I heard ever was eat whatever you want but stop eating when the sun goes down and exercise. How could it be better?

You’re beautiful the way you are. Perfect.

Be comfortable in your own skin that what makes you beautiful.

Be happy with what god gave you.

Be your own person.

Don’t listen to what people say about your body or looks.

You’re beautiful the way you are. Perfect.

Be comfortable in your own skin that what makes you beautiful.



 Use a Gafsha not your hand

T.V Showtime or Old school

I hate watching Mbc at night really sucks, commercials are longer then the show it’s self watching an hour show in an hour and a half or even more.
This is why I like my show box, stop, rewind, fast forward, pause and tape 2 shows at once, but of course now there isn’t anything new on tv only re-runs or very old show like the drew carry show so 1998 I remember watching it in Canada then we watch who’s line is it any way then off to bed at 9. Yes that’s how boring our childhood was bed by 9 and up at 7, sometimes 6 to start training at school.
Anyways I’m not that big a fan of tv but I do like my shows my brother on the other hand wakes up an hour early just so he can watch tv before he off for the day he even goes to my older brothers house for lunch just to watch tv. I can a live without tv no issue but I would have to have an alternative outlet for my time wasting 😛

With show box I can watch whatever I want when ever I want. Gotta love Showtime but they also have to fi my show on demand. :@ I’m a bit angry about that. as long as I don’t miss my show I’m good and teaching my mom how to use it is another issue with show box 😛

P.S I’m using word press for iPad so far so good it’s exactly like the app for blackberry.

I used my PC to edit a bit I’m still trying to get the hang of it


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