A latte for your skin!


Each ingredient will be found in your pantry right now unless you’re not a coffee drinker, if that is the case just head to the nearest supermarket and get some ground coffee beans. This recipe has been recommended by Dr. Oz, and personally I have tried it and it works perfectly.

 Each ingredient has its own character but together they are powerful.

Sugar is exfoliating and encourages growth of new skin cells and actually helps the skin look younger.

Coffee,The caffeine helps bring blood flow into your skin and reduces inflammation, redness, and cellulite.

Honey helps hydrate the skin and seals the moisture into the skin.

Olive Oil is high in vitamin E, a key nutrient for skin. It will help your skin look and feel more supple and help moisturize and nourish dry winter skin.



  • 1 Cup Ground Coffee
  • 1 Cup Brown Sugar
  • 3 Tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 2 Tablespoon Raw Honey


You don’t have to use the Raw Honey it’s not a must for the coffee scrub


  1. Combine the ingredients in a mixing bowl until thoroughly mixed.
  2. The texture you are looking for is moist sticky grains. You do not want it to be too runny (add 1tbsp sugar until the right texture) or too dry (add 1tsp olive oil until the right texture).
  3. Be sure the honey is well incorporated into the mix.
  4. Place in jars and enjoy!
  5. Use in the shower after washing as a scrub to remove dry skin, reduce cellulite, and revitalize body and mind.
  6. Store it in an air tight container


Note: This is a body scrub, not a facial scrub.  Facial scrubs are composed gentler than body scrubs.


Sometimes I wonder how people can change in a split second….





I don’t see or feel that I have changed at all in personality except for the things that supposed to change in life as you grow older. I don’t like people (guys mostly) that still act and talk same as they did when we were teens, and let’s not forget following those chicks on the street or malls. GROW UP my friends I am asking you in front of the “world”. I know someone my age still acts and talks the same and someone younger talks and acts as if he\she is in their 30’s.

This post isn’t about these people it’s about me of course. Sometimes I think I changed and sometimes I don’t sometime I just want to be a kid and play in the park. When I talk all grown up I get so proud of myself then chick boom my family makes fun of me. Being the 5th kid out of 7 you kinda get lost in those convos they have and no one listens to you so what choice do I have other then yelling my point across and they think I’m yelling at them.

I thought by the time I’m this age I would be totally different, I thought maybe something inside of me will change not only the outside (even though I still look 12 on the outside). What can I do to change ME? I don’t want to be all work all the time, I want something else something I can call MINE….


That will never happen for me… I must always share or learn to let go.

Set it free if it comes back it belongs to you…. YEAH RIGHT !!! Bunch of Bull….

Adoption At First….. Single Life Second


As a Muslim single Kuwaiti chick I cannot adopt a child, according to a friend the law says and religion that I should be married to consider adoption the only thing I can do is pay for the Childs education and expenses nothing more than that. Recently I have been looking into this adoption “thing” I thought since marriage is never going to be on the table why not adopt plan fails no husband no babies.

I’m the type of person that loves the work I do and don’t think any man would like my working hours so my plan was until I found out about the law; was to adopt one make myself happy,  second an orphan gets a family and most of all my mom stops harassing me.  I don’t want the hassle of marriage but I do want a child, I know in our religion we can have one without the other a girl can hope for change.

As I am writing this I was Googling adoption and orphanages in Kuwait and if anyone is trying to do something about it. I only can across one Bibi Al Ayoub her number was listed but couldn’t get a hold of her. Since I can’t adopt I want to help in any way I can volunteering I guess is something.

I’m the type of person that didn’t care about anything but me, myself and I until my niece came along and the love I have for her and the love she has for me made me question past decisions about marriage and made me think maybe I’m wrong maybe I made a mistake than I see how much I love my so called “life” I think “oh well! If it’s meant to be it will be” I guess women my age think differently and live differently and the ones like me have enough on their plates from their mothers and gossip about our life choices. That my friends; is the life a late 20’s early 30’2 single Chica living in the Arab world. What fun and love we have?

Let’s go and enjoy our career lives, there should be a club for us.

That would just make us simply LOSERS!!!


Good Day!!



Sometimes trying to write when angry is like talking in a different language to me, I guess because of vent out on something bothering me or something I don’t agree with makes me talk none stop and for anyone reading it wouldn’t make any sense. So I will write this post in question form.

  1. Why is it when your with someone everyone wants to be with you and when your alone no one is to be seen?
  2. What happens to a person once they have nothing left to do or care about?
  3. Why is it ok for people to ignore someone feeling but when you ignore them they hate you for it?
  4. How come it’s easy to say “move forward” yet it’s so difficult to do so?
  5. How come we can’t have what we wish for? Or anything close to that.
  6. How come when you see someone that you think will light your life ends up just making it pitch black?
  7. Why do we do the things we do? Even though we may know the outcome
  8. How come I drink so much coffee?
  9. Why do we drink coffee?
  10. Food?
  11. Clothes?
  12. Shoes?
  13. Shoes?
  14. Work?
  15. LIFE???

I guess I’m done I got lost track after coffee, but hey great questions after though. Shoes? 

My Next Step


I’m trying to find a list of wedding planners.

So far I only found Wael Al Humaidhi, I want to find the ones with website with a portfolio not and Instagram account or a Facebook page. I’m looking for the well put together company website and all the perks of owning your dream. I don’t want to promote anyone at all but I want to see how these planners made it maybe meet one of them (other than my boss) and see how they made it to where they are now.


One day I’ll own my own Event planning/management firm, this is why I want to learn and see how these planners did it. Did they start with no money or with all the money in their bank account or did daddy pay for it, I’m not trying to be rude or anything but I know people move on in the world and get what they want from daddy or mommy sometimes.

 I don’t want to be a wedding planner I enjoy corporate events, galas, birthday parties, baby showers and maybe a bachelorette party will have that on my job description when I plan my friends bachelorette party, engagement parties also would be on the list any sort of events other than weddings I do not want to be anywhere near a bride on the planning a wedding “bridezilla much”. I have done more than 10 events but no one knows who I am since I’ve only done events for companies and friends parties.

 So let’s start getting my name out there, how do we do that? How and where do I start?

I know I have to start making a portfolio for myself with pictures of the events I have done and all the media coverage and than what’s the next step? A name for myself other than my own name, a name people will know for me so when one day I have my firm up and running I’ll be using the same name

  1. Gafsha Events
  2. Sisters Events
  3. Jude Events (my niece because I love her so much)
  4. SAS Events – I kinda love this. My initials and my logo would be a finger snap.


I think SAS Events is perfect, what do you my beloved readers think?


Someone help me…  

Aging Yes? No?

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We cannot do anything about aging it’s has to happen weather you try to stop it with surgeries or not it will happen. The reason I’m writing about this is because in 2 months (May 4th) I’m going to be 25 years old even though I still look 16 years old (el7mdalla) it’s not about the look I can be 50 and look 20 or 30 it’s the feeling from the inside that doesn’t change, realizing yesterday that I’m going to be 25 did feel like a stab in the heart. Why?  Because I don’t think I did or seen what a 25 year old should I still act like a kid “ma 3asht 6folti” meaning I didn’t live a childhood most kids lived so at this age I’m doing this I have never done then.

As a kid my life was all about sports basketball, baseball, hockey, and running; 400 miters, 800 miters , 1200 miters and cross country, all I did at the time was “train” for these sports that I was involved in even my free time we played basketball or raced that was my childhood other than school of course. I was a happy child with all these sports I enjoyed it.

At this age I want to live my childhood I want to live my age 2 things that really don’t work together but as long as it makes me happy who can say anything about that. For some odd reason I never thought I would be an adult a 25 (that still hurts to say) year old “lady” (that even hurts more :P)

Why do we try to stop aging it’s not going to happen you just end up looking like a monster all plastic and silicon you’re not real anymore, you wouldn’t feel the same from the inside maybe at the begging but eventually that good feeling will go away when you look in the mirror and realize the person you’re looking at isn’t really you, let the process of aging be embrace it, enjoy it, live it. You don’t have to live your age just do it in a matter of happiness.

Age gracefully.

Age happily.


Use a Gafsha not your hand