Sometimes I wonder how people can change in a split second….





I don’t see or feel that I have changed at all in personality except for the things that supposed to change in life as you grow older. I don’t like people (guys mostly) that still act and talk same as they did when we were teens, and let’s not forget following those chicks on the street or malls. GROW UP my friends I am asking you in front of the “world”. I know someone my age still acts and talks the same and someone younger talks and acts as if he\she is in their 30’s.

This post isn’t about these people it’s about me of course. Sometimes I think I changed and sometimes I don’t sometime I just want to be a kid and play in the park. When I talk all grown up I get so proud of myself then chick boom my family makes fun of me. Being the 5th kid out of 7 you kinda get lost in those convos they have and no one listens to you so what choice do I have other then yelling my point across and they think I’m yelling at them.

I thought by the time I’m this age I would be totally different, I thought maybe something inside of me will change not only the outside (even though I still look 12 on the outside). What can I do to change ME? I don’t want to be all work all the time, I want something else something I can call MINE….


That will never happen for me… I must always share or learn to let go.

Set it free if it comes back it belongs to you…. YEAH RIGHT !!! Bunch of Bull….

Adoption At First….. Single Life Second


As a Muslim single Kuwaiti chick I cannot adopt a child, according to a friend the law says and religion that I should be married to consider adoption the only thing I can do is pay for the Childs education and expenses nothing more than that. Recently I have been looking into this adoption “thing” I thought since marriage is never going to be on the table why not adopt plan fails no husband no babies.

I’m the type of person that loves the work I do and don’t think any man would like my working hours so my plan was until I found out about the law; was to adopt one make myself happy,  second an orphan gets a family and most of all my mom stops harassing me.  I don’t want the hassle of marriage but I do want a child, I know in our religion we can have one without the other a girl can hope for change.

As I am writing this I was Googling adoption and orphanages in Kuwait and if anyone is trying to do something about it. I only can across one Bibi Al Ayoub her number was listed but couldn’t get a hold of her. Since I can’t adopt I want to help in any way I can volunteering I guess is something.

I’m the type of person that didn’t care about anything but me, myself and I until my niece came along and the love I have for her and the love she has for me made me question past decisions about marriage and made me think maybe I’m wrong maybe I made a mistake than I see how much I love my so called “life” I think “oh well! If it’s meant to be it will be” I guess women my age think differently and live differently and the ones like me have enough on their plates from their mothers and gossip about our life choices. That my friends; is the life a late 20’s early 30’2 single Chica living in the Arab world. What fun and love we have?

Let’s go and enjoy our career lives, there should be a club for us.

That would just make us simply LOSERS!!!


Good Day!!

Today’s Random Stuff


Salt and Pepper White Chocolate


Sitting her in the office getting things done for next week’s events I take a break to write because paper cuts are not my thing.

So today on my way to the printers there was a check point the cops stopped every car and checked all paper, when it came my turn I took a while trying to find the car registration keep in my I have a rental, by the time I found it the cop relaxed a bit he looked angry before it was my turn, anyways I also have a UAE license so that was in my favor he noticed that I put my seat belt on when I saw him. He took a look at the car registration and my license and gave them back and said I can go. Love having a UAE license works so good with having a rental.

I went to pick up my niece from nursery  today in my lunch break, never thought a 1 year old can make me laugh do much, she’s cute and she knows it. Every time I pick her up it’s very difficult for the both of us when I have to leave her and go to work.

With all that said this is not the reason I wanted to write today, mostly I just wanted to vent and I’m hungry need to get my mind off of food and stop Googling restaurant and bakeries. Plus work at a company where food and sweets is an everyday topic really gets to me. Today they got white chocolate with salt and pepper I don’t like white chocolate at all but this wired as it is was simply amazing don’t eat chocolate but working here and all these samples are being sent I just can’t help myself but eat chocolate and cakes and crumbs and cookies and salads and things I never tried before and they all taste so damn good. I love love this job and the coffee of course.



Event Planners


So recently I have been contacting wedding planners (not for me anytime soon) to see what they offer and how different are they from each other, I meet one a couple days ago that I was in such a surprise the whole time I was just thinking of ways to get out of there. Like OMG I know you’re a guy and straight but that doesn’t make you the greatest wedding planner in Kuwait. The lies and stories and OMG how can someone be so full of themselves.  I don’t want to bad mouth anyone but this was a major shock to me, like he told to me he says this to his clients “I know it’s your wedding but it’s up to be to make all the decisions, all you have to do is give me your colors”

I was like to myself “why would I want someone like this to do my wedding?”

But some women are ok with that I guess since he does have a client list. I don’t think I will ever go see this planner ever again I don’t want to even learn anything from him. For me I think any event is what the client wants the client gets all my job is to get it done for them and make it 100 times better than what they have imagined because that’s what an event planner does, not take over and the client has no say what so ever at the end of the day it’s their money not yours.

Oh forgot to mention that his only goal is to be famous. “Nooo”

One more this I forgot to mention again is that he said “he gets his Kosha (bridal stage) designs from USA” i have never seen in my life a Kosha in a Western wedding bridal table maybe but not Kosha. This is what he says to his clients. SERIOUSLY!!!

As you can see he makes me very frustrated.

Another wedding planner I’m working with she is simply amazing she gives the client what they ask for and more, listens to what they want, delivers what they asked for and more. This is what I’m trying to learn to do for my business again its money from their pockets they should get what they paid for.

But with all of that I learned how to be an event planner how to please my clients and what not to do. The Do’s and Don’ts of event planning.  

True I don’t want to be a wedding planner but that’s the hardest event to plan getting through one wedding is like going through five birthday parties. The process of a wedding is extremely stressful for the bride, the mother, the sisters and most of all the planner and her/his team.

To be one of the best event planners you got to do the dirty work first, learn from who you think is the best than become your own.

The Thing Is…

The thing is….

The thing is I hate kids they annoy me a lot, everyone says wait till you have your own and you will change your mind. Well the thing is I will never have my own because (no offence to mothers out there) the idea of being pregnant, giving birth, seeing a new born baby, and everything that comes after makes me sick to my stomach. I applaud to all mothers but this isn’t for me.

The things is with kids is that I’m an angry loud person I think I would kill my child or actually give it to my mother till it is old enough to take care of its self.

I have spent my last weekend with 3 mini devils and I hated it all I wanted to do was kill them but I thought about what it will do to my sister.

What really make me sick are brand new babies they look like chickens after removing the feathers with they’re chicken legs and that nasty sound they make and oh my god they way they cry. I’m feeling sick now.

Oh and I hate when mothers just talk about they’re kids, like my mom every time someone comes to visit she asks them to guess my age (I look younger that’s why), or tells them how many times I broke a bone because of my crazy ideas.


The thing is…

The thing is I love shoes it’s what I spend my money on I don’t care about the price as long as I like them. So the thing is how can I wear shoes that I love but they hurt my feet and by the end of the day they are swollen and hurt for 4 days straight?

My question to my lady readers is: how can you wear you heels all day long and still have a big smile? How can you wear heels and go shopping?

Help me ladies what do you do to not feel any pain?

Any tips? I need help

Oh and by the way I just recently started wearing heels I’ve always hated them I’d rather wear flats. Just to help you out with giving me your tips 😛


The thing is…

The thing is I hate when someone asks an obvious question ie;

  • Someone is sitting right there. “oh your back?” nooo this is just an illusion.

Or what really gets on my nerves is when my brothers asks me question they are 99.99% sure I don’t know the answer to but still ask it ie;

  • How much do they charge for Aramex? Me: I don’t know the last time I worked there they changed the prices.


The thing is…

 The thing is I’m very angry and bored that’s why I’m venting out and plus I love the way I write when I’m in this stage.

I hate when people say in this stage of my life we are not playing a PS game.

O slamatkom :$


Use a Gafsha not your hand


What I Hate


I hate when girls pretend they know all about sports when they know squat, pretending just to look cool in front of the guys. I love sports but I don’t know half of the rules of the game, I play soccer (football) all the time with my brothers I like being the goal keeper (goalie). I hate when girls pretend they like something just to look awesome in front of the guys just be who you are.

I hate that we have to get up in the morning to go to work, why do we work? We should sit home and get paid. I hate working I enjoyed my 2 years of nothingness true it was boring but I was happy wake up when I wanted sleep when I wanted but money was tight guess that’s why we work. 😛

I hate the every time something is wrong with my PC the IT guy tells me to restart it and then he come s down to fix it by refreshing the home screen. GET ME A NEW PC ALREADY.

I hate that my rental hasn’t been registered since 2009 and they won’t change it for me and I keep getting tickets but good thing is that the rental place will pay for them. So Dubai police keep them coming.

I hate it when I’m traveling I get a lot of things running through my mind. I panic a lot get stomach cramps the day of the flight, that I get so angry at the airport Dubai airport or Kuwait airport till the moment I see my sister than its laughing till I’m back at the airport again. I need to calm down and stop being rude to people in the airport.

I also hate that at the airport as soon as the guy at the passport check see that I’m from Kuwait he says “mashalla mn lq8?” duh you can see that I am what a question? Or he tries to talk in a Kuwait accent and talks Bahraini instead and I always say “I’m from Kuwait not Bahrain” in a very sarcastic way. He stamps the passport and I’m on my way.

I hate that if I sleep more than 8 hours a day I get a very bad headache and I’m the kind of person that can sleep for ever, I did once sleep for a whole week :$ I would only wake up to go to the washroom (o entaw karma) and to drink water then back to sleep. I love to sleep so much that I can actually sleep with my eyes open :$. I REALLY HATE THAT I CANT SLEEP MORE THAN 8 HOURS.


Ow Slamatkm 😛

Use a Gafsha not your hand