Not Flying anytime SOON!!!



This weekend I went to Kuwait, the trip overall was great until my flight last night.

My flight was delayed 2 hours which is not an issue but for someone that’s up from 7am and slept at 2am is a problem the delay was not a problem as much as the flight its self, I thought I was going to die.

So here’s what happened from taking off to landing.

Taking off to me felt very wrong it was not smooth at all I let that go but when you’re in midair and the plane starts to shake and move left and right that is a problem the plane kept of going sideways I thought this is ok until it was time to land. I felt this is the day I will die the plane was going down and pulled back up so many times, during this all I thought of was “please god don’t let me die like this” I thought of those people on the Germany flight that went down a while back and what were their last thoughts, you don’t see your life flash before your eyes you actually think how will I survive this? How am I going to feel when I know its time? How is my mother going to feel? What will happen to them? All that goes in your head is “Pease god I don’t want to die like this.”  “I don’t want to die on my birthday”

The entire time I was looking at the screen in front of me to see how long more till we land and landing wasn’t any good either, when landing a plane the pilot will slow down to a complete stop but not yesterday the pilot just wanted the plane to stop so as soon as we landed it felt like he hit the brakes so hard to stop the plane and it kept on shaking.

When we got to a complete stop the pilot says “just for your information there was nothing wrong with the flight it’s just that there was a big cloud and the plane before us was heavy that’s why the plane was shaking”

I wanted to go punch him in the face this is not real not true. When you exit the plane the stewardess would say “Thank you, see you next time”

My only reply was “NO!”

I will never ever fly on FlyDubai ever again, I had one bad experience with Kuwait Airways and I haven’t been on it since so FlyDubai is now on that list.

A New Getaway!!!!

On Friday Morning we drove to Banyan Tree Beach Ras Al Khaimah at the time we booked we thought it was Banyan Tree Al Wadi Ras Al Khaimah and that’s what we searched but when we got there we found out it’s at the other Banyan Tree. It was amazing the atmosphere, the staff, the food and the cold beach oh my god was it cold by 4 pm we well I couldn’t go in. I loved the place a definite secret getaway not so many people where there.

We drove from Mirdif to RAK for about 40 minutes (we are not counting the 20 minutes wasted going to the wrong hotel) when we arrived at the location we had to take a boat to the hotel it was for about 5 minutes not long. The Day pass is for 200 AED plus 10% service charge includes towel, cold water, nuts and cold face towels. Lunch was pretty good not things I would normally eat but the pizza, Angus burger and the sweet potato fries were delicious.

I would defiantly go back at any time, next time I will book the villa with a private pool and stay the night because by the time I got home at 8pm I was dead tired slept on the couch for like 2 hours. Defiantly next time booking the night.

Your next staycation getaway!!



A latte for your skin!


Each ingredient will be found in your pantry right now unless you’re not a coffee drinker, if that is the case just head to the nearest supermarket and get some ground coffee beans. This recipe has been recommended by Dr. Oz, and personally I have tried it and it works perfectly.

 Each ingredient has its own character but together they are powerful.

Sugar is exfoliating and encourages growth of new skin cells and actually helps the skin look younger.

Coffee,The caffeine helps bring blood flow into your skin and reduces inflammation, redness, and cellulite.

Honey helps hydrate the skin and seals the moisture into the skin.

Olive Oil is high in vitamin E, a key nutrient for skin. It will help your skin look and feel more supple and help moisturize and nourish dry winter skin.



  • 1 Cup Ground Coffee
  • 1 Cup Brown Sugar
  • 3 Tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 2 Tablespoon Raw Honey


You don’t have to use the Raw Honey it’s not a must for the coffee scrub


  1. Combine the ingredients in a mixing bowl until thoroughly mixed.
  2. The texture you are looking for is moist sticky grains. You do not want it to be too runny (add 1tbsp sugar until the right texture) or too dry (add 1tsp olive oil until the right texture).
  3. Be sure the honey is well incorporated into the mix.
  4. Place in jars and enjoy!
  5. Use in the shower after washing as a scrub to remove dry skin, reduce cellulite, and revitalize body and mind.
  6. Store it in an air tight container


Note: This is a body scrub, not a facial scrub.  Facial scrubs are composed gentler than body scrubs.


We Go Back To December

So I left my “Dream Job” it wasn’t so much of a dream job rather than a place just waiting for you to die of boredom. I would be sitting there from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm doing absolutely nothing, I thought my love for event planning would help me through this but no love could have saved my board soul.

Working at that particular events company was a big mistake I thought I would be planning events and learning something, I honestly got nothing out of that job except how to play candy crush and get back to playing all types of games on Facebook.

I decided to go back to where I used to work a place that I loved and made me miserably happy, people I love, and work I love even though it’s not events but I’m actually working to get paid and learn something not sit there doing NOTHING and getting paid feeling guilty for getting paid more than everyone else and I do nothing and they do some a little work.

Coming back here makes me happy because all the employees are like one big happy family, we eat together, we laugh together, we fight, and gossip about each other to each other and we all know what’s going on around us. We know everything about each other personal and professional. We are 5 or 6 companies together  we help each other is any way possible and best of all we always have work to do unlike at the events company.

I can honestly say I’m extremely happy being back, whether I’m in events or not being here is where I’m mostly happy.


My Little Weekend


With this broken toe I thought I’ll get away with running errands and driving all over Kuwait, but of course I was wrong to even think I could be off my feet for 4 days let alone 1 day. I thought it would be the same when I broke my arm I had people driving me around, feeding me, helping me get dressed and feeding me I know I said that twice but I was pampered. I guess with a broken toe you can do everything on your own 😦

I traveled to Dubai with a broken toe assuming I’ll get some sort of treatment at the airport but again I was wrong all I got was that I didn’t wait in line at the passport control and the airport car drove me to the gate I guess I did get a special treatment. I was wrong once again.

At the airport there was this family I’m sure it was their first time ever traveling because the girl asked her father when we come back to Kuwait do we also have to pay for a ticket we are coming back home? She did have a point there. Anyways the son was my problem all he wanted to do was eat everything on the flight, and out of all the seats he sat behind me I yelled at him and his father more than I can count but nothing the kid was simply annoying. I fell asleep and suddenly something woke me up to my surprise that damn kid has come to sit next to me and get this he put my bag on the floor and actually was lying down with his nasty feet very close to me so I turn to the father and tell him off again and the mother comes and switches seats. I was so angry the whole flight to Dubai.

When we got on the bus that damn kid again comes next to me and he steps on my broken toe so naturally the meanness and angry me comes out I started yelling and swearing in English which they didn’t understand and his parents did nothing absolutely nothing. These people shouldn’t be allowed to have kids.

In Dubai all I did was lie down on the couch and watch all my shows CSI, CSI NY, White Collar, Switched at Birth, Modern Family, Suites and Happy Endings. 4 days to watch all the episodes of the last seasons on Showtime it was a nice relaxing weekend for me I didn’t want to go anywhere or do anything and my plan worked perfectly.

Anyways the broken toe got me nothing expects endless pain and no shoes to wear. “If the shoe don’t fit the crime don’t fit” OJ Simpsons trial famous quote I just used shoes instead of glove.

Kuwait Tomorrow

For the past few days I have been busy getting things ready to come home as of this morning I finished everything and I hope to god I wouldn’t forget anything, toys for the kids I’ll by them from Kuwait no room in my luggage.

This would be the first time I ever travel on Kuwait Airways inshalla I won’t freak out like I do usually if I travel on any airlines other than Jazeera Airways since they already know I’m scared of flying they are very nice in calming me. I hope they calm me like they do on Jazeera.

I’ll be off for 11 days if I don’t blog from Kuwait that means I’m very busy but I will try to post as much as I can inshalla.

If I don’t kel 3am o enta b5ayr o inshalla million year 7ag lkuwait 3amri ya Kuwait. Enjoy elmasera 😛 and have fun, allah y7afa’9kom o y7afa’9 lkuwait.

I’m coming home, I’m coming home, tell the world I’m coming home.


Use a Gafsha not your hand

April Vacation

My sister and I are planning a trip for April an early birthday gift for me, she wants Maldives and I want something else since I don’t like beach and water stuff (showering and tanning are good), I want something for the both of us.

I want something bright shinny I don’t know how a country/island can be shinny but still I want that. I will go to Maldives if I can’t find something we both like. I do want to go to Maldives but the problem is long very long flight unless I take sleeping pills than my sister will be bored and I know she will do something to me like the episode of F.R.I.N.D.S when Ross and Rachel went to Las Vages so that’s not an option.

Help me out.  Where do you think we both can go?

My sister is a diver and I’m lazy so something for the both of us.


Use a Gafsha not your hand