Serial Killers

First of I apologize for not posting anything in the past week or so but I have been extremely busy.

Secondly in recent posts I have talked about crimes and how I like reading them but I get really scared walking to my car. Shalla 7adni 9a7 😛

Well I googled today serial killers I read these stories at the same time I think how am I going to sleep tonight and continue on reading. It amazes me how a human can take another human life how are they capable of doing that? How bad is their life for them to be pushed into such an extreme crime? Whether its rape, child molesters or even kidnapping. Some therapists say its from a dramatic incident that happened to them as children, again what could push a child into that?

Therapists say serial killers start by killing animals like Ted Bundy ( , his story till this day scare the living lights out of me.

A couple of years back a kidnap child was found after 20 years she had children with her kidnaper and he kept her in the back yard. Again I ask how someone could do that.

As a kid I watched Americas most wanted because I was afraid one of the people on there is around me some where yes I was sort of paranoid about these things.


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