A latte for your skin!


Each ingredient will be found in your pantry right now unless you’re not a coffee drinker, if that is the case just head to the nearest supermarket and get some ground coffee beans. This recipe has been recommended by Dr. Oz, and personally I have tried it and it works perfectly.

 Each ingredient has its own character but together they are powerful.

Sugar is exfoliating and encourages growth of new skin cells and actually helps the skin look younger.

Coffee,The caffeine helps bring blood flow into your skin and reduces inflammation, redness, and cellulite.

Honey helps hydrate the skin and seals the moisture into the skin.

Olive Oil is high in vitamin E, a key nutrient for skin. It will help your skin look and feel more supple and help moisturize and nourish dry winter skin.



  • 1 Cup Ground Coffee
  • 1 Cup Brown Sugar
  • 3 Tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 2 Tablespoon Raw Honey


You don’t have to use the Raw Honey it’s not a must for the coffee scrub


  1. Combine the ingredients in a mixing bowl until thoroughly mixed.
  2. The texture you are looking for is moist sticky grains. You do not want it to be too runny (add 1tbsp sugar until the right texture) or too dry (add 1tsp olive oil until the right texture).
  3. Be sure the honey is well incorporated into the mix.
  4. Place in jars and enjoy!
  5. Use in the shower after washing as a scrub to remove dry skin, reduce cellulite, and revitalize body and mind.
  6. Store it in an air tight container


Note: This is a body scrub, not a facial scrub.  Facial scrubs are composed gentler than body scrubs.