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I have started a new chapter in my life at this point I’m hoping that after this my family and friends wouldn’t see me as the child anymore and see that I have grown and I’m 25 not 15 and they can stop taking care of me.

 I would like to thank you all for our support and having my back at all time, but I think its time for me to be on my own you can trust me walla I’ll be fine don’t worry, I know the first time you left me I got in trouble but I’ve learnt my lesson promise I will not do it again. NOW LEAVE ME to learn. Love you.


Now lets see how this first year starting on my birthday of course which is in 2 days *hint hint people*. Speaking of birthdays every year on my birthday I have to do something I have never done before ever, telling this to my friend asking for an idea than he suggested something I cant wait to do. I will not tell you what it is; you’ll have to wait till Thursday. If his plan works we do this than this would be the coolest thing I have ever done on my birthday.


I wrote the first 2 paragraphs yesterday morning and now I’m 80% sure that we might not do it because someone had to eat something they know they are allergic too just, because a friend offered it to them and that someone couldn’t say no if we don’t do what we planned than defiantly I would do something else but maybe not as exciting as what we planned.


So what’s new in the world a wedding and a funeral, as I always say when someone dies and I know this is wrong but we have a wired way of dealing with death anyways I say “you put the FUN in funeral”. Osama Bin Laden’s death is amazing to the whole world.


I was angry with some people yesterday calling Osama a “shahed” seriously??

What else to say that Sadam is too??


People that kill and give our religion a bad name should not be called “shahed”

When you do call him that that means you agree with what his name has done to our religion, he’s the reason why we are out castes in the whole world, he’s the reason the world calls all MUSLIMS terrorist. Does this make you happy? Even if you think he had nothing to do with 9/11, his actions should speak for themselves. And honestly you should be a shamed of him and yourselves for thinking that he is a “shahed”


Fighting for your religion doesn’t mean killing 3000+ innocent people, suicide bombers. Doesn’t our religion say it’s forbidden to commit suicide? So to those people that think what Osama did is right or that he didn’t do it all I would say to you is “Really?”


Quick question: did you guys hear that Sadam isn’t dead? Is this true? Am I supposed to go back praying to god he is or should I stick to “burn in hell” prayer?


What else is new? Anything happened I missed? Like major news.


Use a Gafsha not your hand