0-9 And Start Counting From 0 Again




We’re all been lied too!!

We are all 9 months older aren’t we?

On the drive to the office I was thinking how come when we’re born they start our age at zero not counting the 9 months we spent in the womb? Doctors say when a women is pregnant talk to the baby they can hear you, so that means we’re there in the world sorta. I think we all should be celebrating 2 birthdays 1 on the day your mother found out she’s pregnant and the day you where “born” more gifts.

For a second there I felt like a hippy.

If we were 9 months older would we be wiser? Smarter? Different?

Would it make a difference in our lives?

I think as a woman I’d rather be 9 months younger hell 9 years would be great I’ll be 18 again, and maybe this time around I would act my age and do the things I should of done at that age not when I’m too old and cant handle the pressure nor the pain from all these broken bones from the past 5 years.

I guess if we’re older or younger we would be the same. For example if you suddenly find out you’re actually a year older would that change anything in your life? Or if you find out you’re a year younger would that change anything?

I guess really age is just a number; we can me as old as we want or as young as we want from the way we act, want to be, want to do. But let’s not go over board and start at zero again.

For me as long as I’m happy that’s all that matters and age comes and goes up no matter what. When I was 21 I decided to stop getting old and every birthday I have 21 on the cake but I knew I’m getting old and whatever I say or do even deals with the devil I’m still going to get a year older, now 27 (still look 18) I’m happy with it and I always tell people my real age.

One for all you young people out there don’t grow up to fast and live and love your age, do what make YOU happy, be what makes YOU happy and forget the negative energy around you make it what makes YOU.

My Next Step


I’m trying to find a list of wedding planners.

So far I only found Wael Al Humaidhi, I want to find the ones with website with a portfolio not and Instagram account or a Facebook page. I’m looking for the well put together company website and all the perks of owning your dream. I don’t want to promote anyone at all but I want to see how these planners made it maybe meet one of them (other than my boss) and see how they made it to where they are now.


One day I’ll own my own Event planning/management firm, this is why I want to learn and see how these planners did it. Did they start with no money or with all the money in their bank account or did daddy pay for it, I’m not trying to be rude or anything but I know people move on in the world and get what they want from daddy or mommy sometimes.

 I don’t want to be a wedding planner I enjoy corporate events, galas, birthday parties, baby showers and maybe a bachelorette party will have that on my job description when I plan my friends bachelorette party, engagement parties also would be on the list any sort of events other than weddings I do not want to be anywhere near a bride on the planning a wedding “bridezilla much”. I have done more than 10 events but no one knows who I am since I’ve only done events for companies and friends parties.

 So let’s start getting my name out there, how do we do that? How and where do I start?

I know I have to start making a portfolio for myself with pictures of the events I have done and all the media coverage and than what’s the next step? A name for myself other than my own name, a name people will know for me so when one day I have my firm up and running I’ll be using the same name

  1. Gafsha Events
  2. Sisters Events
  3. Jude Events (my niece because I love her so much)
  4. SAS Events – I kinda love this. My initials and my logo would be a finger snap.


I think SAS Events is perfect, what do you my beloved readers think?


Someone help me…  

Puppy Love

My 1 year old rabbit Jack had passed away a couple of days back. Here is the story; it was mating season for rabbits and they would die, so I got up and went to Birds market (souq el7mam) and got my Poland breed rabbit and Arabic breed rabbit they mated and Sabacha got pregnant, keep in mind Jack is extremely fat loves food. Anyways 2 months later she gave birth to 5 baby rabbits being winter and all Jack wanted to be the good father he sat on them to keep them warm but since he is very FAT he killed them. Sabacha became depressed and wouldn’t eat as my mother said “galb elum ytga6a3 3la 3yalha” she dead 5 days after her kids dead. Jack dead out of love, he dead a week after Sabacha.

These animals die after their loved ones die but look at us we move on and never look back even if the love we had hurts us we pretend we forget, we pretend it never happened deep down its killing us but we don’t show at all. Why? We don’t want anyone to see us weak especially the person we once loved more than the world its self.

We have our pride then our feelings, I’m not saying don’t take pride but maybe at a point in life we must put or pride aside the person we love. Some of us say why should I if he/she doesn’t do that for me? My answer would be do what pleases you not the other person if they don’t appreciate what we are doing one day when they will figure it out and they will regret every second they have wasted.

As I always say to myself “set it free if it comes back to you, than it’s yours” I heard that somewhere and since then I have been saying it. Also “good things come to those who wait”

My friend is been in love this his girlfriend for more than 2 years but I know for a fact he lies to other girls that he loves them, why would you do that? And if for one second she speaks to another guy all hell breaks loose. “7lal 3layk o 7ram 3layha” I tell him that his reply is “I know I’m lying to these girls, but you girls don’t have self control”

Guess what your wrong, you guys think we girls are dumb in one way or the other but we are smarter then we look, act and even pretend. When these things happen we shut up for our sake not yours, we get heartbroken very fast.

Tip: next time you think of doing something like that think this “how would I feel if this happened to me”


Use a Gafsha not your hand