Could it be?

Could it be??

Has our world come to an end?

Have we lost our minds?

What has come of us?

How can we live now?

From Yemen to Libya, from each part of the Arab world, is the Middle East coming to an end or have we stopped being one hand.

5alijona wa7ed and that is what all the gulf countries are doing. But what did you do? We donate to Japan, Thailand, Palestine, etc; why not Bahrain? They need blood, food, anything we can offer they need it. This is our home as much as Kuwait or whatever part of the gulf your from, because 5alijona wa7ed.

Go to the nearest Red Cross and they will help you donate or help in any way you can.

2011 we’re in the 3rd month and this all happened in a span of 1 month we should have stopped it reaching us the other Arab countries people come to us for protection. I hope this wouldn’t last for a long time gulf troops have entered Bahrain to stop it so inshalla within a week or so they stop this situation.

You fight for your country not with your country.

Use a Gafsha not your hand