Crimes all Around



I love reading about crimes in the newspapers from all over the world, as soon as I get to the office the first thing I do is open my web browser to Khaleej times, Arab Times Kuwait, Gulf News, The Daily Mail and The Guardian search for the latest crimes. I have searched serial killers and why they do what they do and mob families, my friends and family think I’m insane or that I should have been a detective maybe I was in my past life. 😛

After reading all these articles I get so scared to walk to my car or even walk to my house door at night, as soon as I get in I lock the doors even the my room door making sure all windows are locked. When reading so much about these horrific crimes you get to see how in the most random places and situations bad things do happen even in your own home.

Reading about shootings, rape, child killing because the mother was “mentally ill” or just a father that beat his son’s molester these stories makes you think what if? What will I do? How will I cope?  Will I be able to defend myself? I find this world to be so unbelievably dangerous but we can’t live inside our homes to be safe we have to get up and fight back.

Pepper spray in your purse, take some self-defense classes, speak out when you see something not right and please if you’re a teacher just take a second and look at your students and make sure all the kids feel safe in their home they trust you they will speak out if you give them that chance.


Love always and stay safe!